What will I walk away with after the bootcamp?

You’ll leave with a new understanding of what B2B strategic sales is, how to apply it into your business. a practical workbook, actionable strategies, and the ability to apply these to your live deals.

Is there ongoing support after the bootcamp?

Yes, ongoing support is also available to ensure you implement what you’ve learned effectively. We offer a WhatsApp Group for immediate support, monthly drop-in sessions for deal diagnosis, and an option for one-on-one coaching to continue improving deal execution and unstick deals.

How long is the bootcamp?

One-day, intensive session focused on equipping founders with enterprise sales skills.

What kind of businesses is this bootcamp suited for?

While the bootcamp focuses on B2B startups, the techniques taught can be applied to any business requiring strategic sales, especially those selling complex products or services.

What industries do you cater to?

We focus primarily on B2B startups in industries like technology, fintech, martech, and SaaS, but the approaches can be adapted to any industry that involves complex sales.

Can I send my sales people on this course?

Yes, but this is founder focussed so we'll be getting into strategic topics such as your first sales hire and measurement. If they’re not an expert on strategic sales they may well benefit. You’re call.

Is it just about selling to large enterprises?

No, the approaches can be used to sell into SMB and mid market. Anything that requires decision consensus and with longer sales cycles.

Which sales method are you advocating?

The focus is strategic sales which can be defined as addressing longer sales cycles of 3 to 12 months, needing to achieve decision consensus form a group of buyers, with solutions that impact department levels and above. It may come as a surprise but all strategic sales methods cover exactly the same group; Sandler, Winning By Design, Force Management, SPIN, Challenger, GAP but with different levels of focus. We will use some of these focus are but operate at a higher level and use consultative / value selling methods.

What this isn't is transactional sales defined as low impact, short sales cycle, low consideration levels.

Where are the bootcamps held?

In person, local to you. All main UK cities.

How many attendees are in each bootcamp?

Each bootcamp is capped at 10 attendees to ensure that everyone receives personalised input.

What if I can’t attend the date I signed up for?

If you need to reschedule, we offer flexibility to join the next available session.

Will the bootcamp cover how to build a sales team?

Yes, we cover critical strategic topics, including making your first sales hire and transitioning from founder-led sales to a scalable sales team.

What if I don’t have any sales experience?

That’s exactly what this bootcamp is for. It’s designed to help founders with no formal sales training but a mandate to sell become confident and effective in strategic sales.

How much does the bootcamp cost?

The bootcamp is £500-£750 per attendee depending on location and includes ongoing support.